
To The Queen's Abode

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♥About Me♥

My name is Yuna K.
I enjoy music, reading and playing games
I was born on the 18th of august 2006
My fav food is hotplate tofu with rice
My fav franchise is lupin the third
Language Enthusiast


Merit in SYF brass band in 2016
Discovered passion for music making
Admitted into ITE Central in 2023
Created works that spread awareness of mental health


Get a degree in Psychology
Enter a Polytechnic
Strengthen my music making skills

♥Secret Accolade♥

My true greatest accolade is being with the greatest man to have ever lived. To Zach mi amado, I love chu with all my heart and more. No one even comes close to being as amazing as chu. Ilyvm, and thank chu for being here for me all this timeSong for chu